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T-POD Conference
Photographs from the T-POD banquet
are shown below, taken on the second evening of the T-POD conference after a
Piano and Violin Recital by Gulsin and Erkin Onay in the King's Hall at the
University of Newcastle
conference a Final Programme is now available to download. Details of all of the
papers, session chairmen and the social activities planned are also included.
Please follow the link - Final Programme
Wednesday, April 14
08.00 – 09.30 |
Registration - King’s
Hall, Armstrong Building
09.30 – 10.25 |
Opening Ceremony –
Robert Boyle Lecture Room, Armstrong Building
Head of School
T-POD Chairman
Introduction to FASTPOD
Session 1
Design Technology
10.25 – 10.50 |
Parametric investigations
designed to help focused pod technology developments
P.Goubault, J.Perree (Principia
Marine, France)
10.50 – 11.15 |
Hull design and
optimisation with pod propellers with 5 and 6 blades
G.Bertaglia, G.Lavini, S.Scarpa (Fincantieri,
11.15 – 11.45
– King’s Hall
Session 2
Innovative Solutions
11.45 – 12.10 |
New podded drives for the
power range of 1-5 MW
12.10 – 12.35 |
Rim-drive propulsion –
Improving reliability and maintainability over today’s pods
B.van Blarcom, A.Franco, M.Lea, S.Peil,
D.Thompson, P.van Dine (General Dynamics,
12.35 – 13.00
Pod propulsion research and development at
the ARL-Penn State
J.E.Eaton, M.Billet (ARL-Penn
State University, USA)
13.00 – 14.00 |
Lunch Buffet – King’s
14.00 – 14.30 |
Emerson Cavitation
Tunnel - available to visit
Session 3
Motion Response
14.30 – 14.55 |
Operability of fast podded
Ropax ships in rough seas
K.Sarioz, E.Sarioz (Istanbul Technical
University, Turkey),
M.Atlar, M.D.Woodward, R.Sampson (University of
Newcastle, UK)
14.55 – 15.20 |
Effect of pods on the roll
behaviour of passenger vessels
O.Turan, D.Clelland, C.Tuzcu, A.Olcer
(SSRC, Universities of Strathclyde and
Glasgow, UK)
15.20 – 15.45 |
Manoeuvring aspects of
pod-driven ships
Z. Ayaz, O. Turan, D.Vassalos
(SSRC, Universities of Strathclyde and
Glasgow, UK)
15.45 – 16.15
Coffee Break – King’s Hall
Session 4
Ice Applications
16.15 – 16.40 |
Full scale performance of
double acting tankers “Tempera and Mastera”
N. Sasaki (Sumitomo HI, Japan),
J.Laapio, B.Fagerstrom (Fortum Oil and Gas, Finland),
G.Wilkman (MARC, Finland)
16.40 – 17.05 |
Double Acting Tanker –
Experiences from model tests and sea trials
P.Trägårdh, P.Lindell (SSPA, Sweden),
N.Sasaki (Sumitomo HI, Japan)
17.05 - 17.30 |
Measuring podded propulsor
performance in ice
A.Akinturk, S.J.Jones, B.Rowell, D.Duffy
17.30 |
End Of Session
17.45 |
Coach departs for the “Discovery Museum”
trip - from King’s Walk
18.00 – 20.00 |
Tour of “Discovery
Museum” - Conference Reception
20.00 – 20.15 |
Coach returns |
Thursday 15th April
King’s Hall opens to
receive delegates
Session 5
Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Applications
09.10 – 09.35 |
On the hydrodynamic design
of podded propulsors for fast commercial vessels
A.Sanchez-Caja, J.V.Pylkkanen (VTT,
09.35 – 10.00 |
Numerical simulations of
flows around a ship with podded propulsor
K.Ohashi, T.Hino (NMRI, Japan)
10.00 – 10.25 |
On a propulsion prediction
procedure for ships with podded propulsors using RANS code analysis
I.A.Chicherin, M.Lobatchev, A.Pustoshny (KSRI,
A.Sanchez-Caja (VTT, Finland)
10.25 – 10.50
Fluctuating pressure
distribution on pod
F.Deniset, J-Y.Billard, R.Jaouen (IRENAV,
J-M.Laurens (ENSIETA, France)
10.50 – 11.20 |
Coffee Break – King’s Hall
Session 6
Contra Rotating Propulsion
11.20 – 11.45 |
On the design of a shafted
propeller plus electric thruster contra-rotating propulsion complex
V.Bushkovsky, I.Frolova, S.Kaprantsev,
A.Pustoshny, A.Vasiljev, A.Jacolev (KSRI,
T. Veikonheimo (ABB,
11.45 – 12.10 |
Calculation method for
steering forces of a pod in hybrid propulsion
P.Ruponen, J.Matusiak (Helsinki
University of Technology, Finland)
12.10 – 12.35 |
Study on the powering
performance evaluation for the CRP-Pod propulsion ships
G.Seokcheon, S.Heungwon , B.J.Chang (Hyundai
HI, Korea)
12.35 – 13.00 |
Propulsive performance of
a contra-rotating podded propulsor
Y.Ukon, K.Ohashi, J.Fujisawa, J.Hasegawa (NMRI,
13.00 – 14.00 |
Lunch Buffet – King’s
14.00 – 14.30 |
Laboratory - available to visit
Session 7
Manoeuvring Loads
14.30 – 14.55 |
Investigations about the
forces and moments at podded drives
H.J.Heinke (Potsdam Ship Model Basin-SVA,
14.55 – 15.20 |
Preliminary results of
testing of the dynamics of an azimuthing podded propulsor relating to
vehicle manoeuvring
J.W.Stettler, F.S.Hover, M.S.Triantafyllou
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
15.20 – 15.45 |
A comparison of the
stopping modes for pod driven ships
M.D.Woodward, M.Atlar, D.Clarke (University
of Newcastle, UK)
15.45 – 16.15
Coffee Break – King’s Hall
Session 8
16.15 – 16.40 |
Open water experiments
with two pod propulsor models
M.Grygorowicz, J.A.Szantyr (Gdansk
University of Technology, Poland)
16.40 – 17.05 |
Manoeuvrability tests of a
vessel with pod propulsion
L.Kobylinski (Foundation for Safety and
Environment Protection, Poland)
17.05 - 17.30 |
Selected aspects of pod
propulsor work in operational conditions
J.Kanar (Ship Design and Research Centre
–CTO, Poland)
17.30 |
End Of Session
19.15 – 19.45 |
Cocktail Reception –
Council Chambers, Armstrong Building
19.45 – 20.15 |
Music Recital - King’s
20.15 – 22.15 |
Conference Banquette –
King’s Hall
Friday 16th
08.30 – 09.10
King’s Hall opens to
receive delegates |
Session 9
Operational Technology
09.10 – 09.35 |
Cavitation and vibration
investigations for podded drives
J.Friesch (Hamburg Ship Model Basin
–HSVA, Germany)
09.35 – 10.00 |
Podded rudders
A.Junglewitz, O.A.el Moctar, S.Franic (Germanischer
Lloyd, Germany)
10.00 – 10.25 |
Naval pod-motor
hydro-acoustic simulation
J.F.LeBert, R. Barbarin, C.Laine (DCN
Propulsion, France)
10.25 – 10.50
system evolution
T.Kontes, C Kontes (Festival
Cruises, Greece)
10.50 – 11.20 |
Coffee Break – Music Library,
Armstrong Building
Session 10
Experimental Technology
11.20 – 11.45 |
Design of a model pod test
A.MacNeil (Oceanic Consulting Corp,
Canada), R.Taylor, S.Molloy, N.Bose, B.Veitch (Memorial University,
T.Randell, P.Liu (NRC-IOC, Canada)
11.45 – 12.10 |
Systematic geometric
variation of podded propulsor models
S.Molloy, N.Bose, A B.Veitch, R.Taylor (Memorial
University, Canada),
A MacNeil (Oceanic Consulting Corp.,
12.10 – 12.35 |
Numerical and experimental
investigation tools for preliminary design of podded propulsor components
F.DiFelice, M.Felli, L.Greco,
F.Pereira, F.Salvatore, C.Testa
(INSEAN- Italian Ship Model Basin)
12.35 – 13.00 |
Experimental investigation
of flow around a podded propulsor using LDA
D.Wang, M.Atlar, EJ Glover, I
(University Newcastle, UK)
13.00 – 14.00 |
Lunch Buffet –
University Ballroom
Session 11
Hydrodynamic Modeling
14.00 – 14.25 |
On propulsive performance
of a small bulk-carrier model with twin podded propellers
K.Nakatake, J.Ando, A.Yoshitake, Y.Sato (Kyushu
University, Japan), M.Tamashima (Fluid Techno Co., Japan)
14.25 – 14.50 |
Numerical investigation on
hydrodynamic performance of podded propeller
M.Islam, R.Taylor, J.Quinton, B.Weitch,
N.Bose (Memorial University, Canada), B.Colbourne, P. Liu (NRC-IOT,
14.50 – 15.15 |
Research on wake model of
pod propulsion
C.Ma, Z.Qian, C.Yang, X.Zhang, D. Du (Naval
Research Centre, China)
Conference Closing |