Now Available!
Conference proceedings are now available to order through the
University of Newcastle. The proceedings are soft bound, A4 (547 pages);
postage is included in the price
Proceedings (inc. postage) £85.00
Proceedings (inc. postage)
Proceedings (inc. postage) $150.00
Order forms are
available through the following link
Proceedings order form
The last decade has been witnessing a growing uptake of integrated electric
driven pod propulsion units. Since their commercial introduction in the early
1990’s their range of application, capacity and type of unit has increased
tremendously. In recognition of this the European Commission has supported a
number of large collaborative research and development projects in relation to
pod technologies. Further in this last meeting, the International Towing Tank
Conference (ITTC) established a specialist committee on Azimuthing Pod
Propulsion, to review, over the next three years the procedures for testing and
In spite of the above activities there has been no focused international event
to discuss the past present and future of pod propulsion. It is therefore timely
to gather together pod manufacturers, shipyards, operators, designers, test
facilities, classification societies, regulatory authorities researchers and
other interested parties to discuss and disseminate advances in pod propulsion
T-POD will provide a platform for this discussion and will serve to disseminate
the activities within the Fifth Framework Projects sponsored by the EC Framework
Programme (FP5). |