Abstracts/Turan et al 

Travel & Hotel

Ever growing sizes of passenger ships and in particular the increasing number of persons, has forced many authorities, researchers, operators to look at the stability and safety of people on board of passenger vessels including Ropax and cruise ships. Of course, the design of these vessels in terms of dimensions, shape and technological developments such as PODs have changed significantly. However, in certain cases, prescriptive stability rules, which are questioned in terms of fitness for the purpose do not represent these developments.  As a  result, the application of the IMO Weather Criterion for intact stability, based on the effects of a severe wind and rolling, to modern passenger vessels can result in requirements, higher than the values that should be applied if correct parameters are used.

 Outcome of the Weather Criterion is heavily influenced by the damping characteristics of passenger vessels and question arises about the effect of POD structure on the roll damping and motion of passenger vessels. Weather Criterion allows passive stabilizers such as bilge keels and skegs to be included in the damping calculation and this led to many people to include projected area of Pod structure in the damping calculations without knowing the actual effect on the roll motion.

 The paper presents the numerical and experimental study carried out by SSRC on the effect of POD structure on Roll damping and Roll motion.


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